I'd like to nominate
my Home Teacher as
Home Teacher of the Year. This morning he helped me put plastic on my window. Let me back up. (1) My last electric bill was $210! Granted everything in my condo is electric but still, that's a lot of money. And, (2) I've mentioned this before but I have
one window and it's about 5 feet wide and I don't know, about 16 feet tall. So this was no small task. It involved getting a tall ladder into my condo, taping big pieces of plastic together, putting double sided tape all around the window, covering the window with plastic (attaching it to the tape), trimming the plastic at the top of the window, and using a heat gun to get out the wrinkles in the plastic and seal the window.
I've got a great Home Teacher.
And, here's hoping for many more electric bills under $210.