My friends and I decided we'd brave the storm and snow and go to dinner. At 10:30pm. We were starving! We called a few places (Cheesecake Factory, Chili's, The Border Cafe, even Bickfords) and no one was answering the phone. And then I called Bill & Bob's. They are usually open until 2:00am and the guy said they were open and, "We're not going anywhere." So my pregnant friend cleaned off her four-wheel-drive car, picked me up, we picked another friend up, and drove to Bill & Bob's and enjoyed a late night dinner. Tacos never tasted so good!!
What idiots would do that?
LOL...I know just where that is.
You are a brave.
FUN you crazy woman! ;)
Well... for having the word 'famous' posted on their billboard, I'm not in the know, I guess. (No food poisoning afterward?) The fun is the spontaneous friends who go looking for eats after hours :)
Oh, that's awesome! I love it! Nothing tastes better than a meal achieved by surmounting an obstacle.
glad you made it home safely. would you go again? if i'm in town next time your hungry, i want to be picked up too. :)
I'm not familiar with Bickford's, but the way you say, "even Bickford's" makes it sound like "we even called the Dump, but they stop serving after 10 pm." :-) I'm glad your tacos were good.
I think that was the first meal I had after we moved into the Arlington Ward. It had been a long day moving and I was tired, hungry and not too familiar with the area. It was late and nothing else was open. I scarfed down a roast beef sandwich. Good memories. Hard to believe that was over 10 years ago.
What else is there to do at 10:30 during a snowstorm??
It made the food taste that much better.
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