Page 10: The boomerang kids: Struggling to make ends meet, adults are moving back in with their folks
Funny story: I was walking to the subway a few years ago with a coworker. I asked where he lived. He sheepishly said he lived with his parents but that he usually answered that question by saying, "I live with people I knew from before."
I just read that article and thought it was interesting the different perspectives and ways people made that work. My parents would have charged rent & I certainly would have been doing my own laundry!
That is a funny story! It's funny that he was honest with you and told you his normal answer.
My parents are more than happy to kick us out! We can come home for vacations, but not to live. Unless we want to live in a tent in the backyard. I don't know that I blame them. It's an interesting conundrum: at what point to your make your kids be adults?
I've heard parents say that is the exact reason why parents downsize after kids leave 'the nest.' Sorry, honey, no room in the inn... I can't imagine it.
I'm proud to say we have never lived with either set of parents. But if the figurative walls ever come tumbling down on us, I'll have to remember that it's not moving back in with The Folks, it's "living with some people I knew from before." At least he stopped short of calling them his 'old roommates'!!!!
i've lived with the inlaws. Although, they were generous and it was warm and dry, I might opt to live in a van down by the river...
We lived with my parents - but had our own apartment. I'm laughing at LL's comment...
haha! that's a funny story ellen. i was listening to the radio today and they were talking about the article. it was pretty entertaining. by the way, i got your letter today. that's some crazy shiatzu! i shiatzu but i don't use a board, just all my weight, and not only my feet but my knees and elbows. it's quite the workout!
ha ha... have I mentioned lately how much I enjoy your blog? I have been working nonstop since the kids went to bed at 8, and this totally cracked me up, made my night!
PS- loved the christmas card- thanks for thinking of me!
Now that's funny. Got my postcard picture and I loved it and want to know how you made it? Just being nosey :)
I was supposed to be out of the house by the time the next academic year started... and I was GLAD TO BE! :)
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