Thursday, January 15, 2009


Tonight I went to drop something off in a neighboring town and I couldn't see any of the house numbers on one side of the street. OK. It was dark. But still! Do they have numbers? Are they hidden? I drove away mumbling about it. Stupid numbers.

This is the house I grew up in. It's a horrible picture (California isn't really that dark and grey) but see the numbers on the curb! Some college kid walked the streets of The Valley asking people if they wanted their house number painted on their curb. And we did. For all to see!

I'm not Complaining. Just Comparing and Contrasting.


Alyson | New England Living said...

I hear ya! New England is also horrible with street signs. AHHH! I swear, if it weren't for GPS, I'd be forever lost here. Sorry, love ya New England, but please do better with signs!

Marilyn said...

We had one of those on our curb in CA also, that is great you have a picture of it. MA doesn't have curbs or sidewalks, at least where I live anyway. But we do have numbers on both of our driveways, it drives me nuts too that not only do houses not have numbers, but streets don't have signs. said...

Our babysitters dad was coming over to our house to talk to his son while we were still gone. He drove around our neighborhood trying to find our house, but he couldn't find any house numbers, so he was forced to get out of his car and walk up to peoples garages or close to their front doors to see the house number. Needless to say people called the cops on him thinking he was some wacko. We came home to find the police in our front yard talking to him, while he was trying to explain to them that he was just trying to find a house number!

rebecca said...

In TX they sometimes decorate the number with the shape of TX to the left. I love numbers on the curb. New England would be an even better place with numbers on the curbs!

Becky said...'s annoying when you are trying to find a house in the dark - been there and done that many times. Did you ever find it? What was your mission?

LL said...

you weren't out in the creepy suburbs were you???

Smilin' sunshine said...

It is extremely annoying. I am getting BIGGER numbers this summer(right now it is WAY to cold) and we have a rock at the bottom of our driveway with the number on it, but still not enough.

We need more signs and bigger numbers, or numbers period!

Did you find the house?

Unknown said...

Ahhh, yes. Numbers on the curb. Splendid idea. We had one in Colorado. Problem with New England? No.Curbs. I LOVE this place! It has so much character!

Swoopref said...

It is bad for firefighters. Looking for the numbers trying to find the emergency is stressful.

Sandman said...

In my mind I can hear Gwan saying that address ... No one could say that address like him.

Anonymous said...

In our small town it's an ordinance that you have your street number on your house and/or on your mail box so that the ER and Pohlise can find you - AT Night and day.
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