I found out this week that I have
squamous cell carcinoma in situ on my right index finger. I went to the dermatologist two months ago for my regular check-up and showed her a spot on my finger (the size of a pencil eraser). I never bumped it or cut it or hurt it so I was curious about it. The doctor said to put antibiotic cream and a band-aid on it for a month and if it didn't go away, to make an appointment and she would do a biopsy.

I followed the doctor's instructions and the sore did go away but the red circle never did. These last three weeks (while I was waiting for my follow-up appointment) I didn't treat it and it got bumpy and sore. I went in Monday morning and the doctor did a biopsy (
OUCH!) and gave me instructions to clean it every day with
hydrogen peroxide, put antibiotic cream on it and wear a band-aid until it healed (1-2 weeks). The doctor called Wednesday with the report that it was superficial skin cancer and referred me to a plastic surgeon (I assumed that appointment was to "fix" where she did the biopsy--naive me).
Sometimes we don't even know what questions to ask. When I called the plastic surgeon's office to make an appointment they said it was to have more removed. Hmmm.
I'm not shocked that I have skin cancer. I had two really really bad sunburns as a teenager and I've had numerous pre-cancerous spots on my face sprayed with liquid nitrogen. My finger is healing, the plastic surgeon will remove a teeny bit more of my finger in a few weeks and I'll be fine. No casseroles needed.