Sunday, March 25, 2007

10 years ago today...

At 8:46pm I called Robes in Boca Raton, Florida.

Robes: Hello.

Me: Did you get the results from your MRI?

Robes: I have a brain tumor.

Me: Are you kidding me?

Robes: How do you think I feel; I had to come home and tell Kim and the kids.

And that was the beginning of our ride on the B.T. Express.


jksfam said...

Wow! How are Kim and the kids doing these days? I'm sure Aunt ep does her best to keep them happy! I hope your tooth recovery goes well.

Elisabeth said...

That's so sad Ellen. That's a really cool picture of him.
Hope you're feeling good,

Anonymous said...

That's a great picture of Robes, though I don't remember him seeing him in a white shirt!

Anonymous said...

That's a great picture of Robes, though I don't remember him seeing him in a white shirt!