Sunday, March 14, 2010

Today's talk

My talk went well today. My topic was RELIEF SOCIETY IS...and I had a list of 45 (true story) examples that I shared. My counselors' and secretary's talks were great. And all the women sang (or lip synch'd) "Home can be a Heaven on Earth" which was beautiful (I taped it so it might even end up here on the blog if I can find out how to download files off a digital recorder).

There were a few people in the audience who I didn't recognize but no one introduced themselves as a blog fan (or stalker).

I wanted to start the wave when my talk was done but I totally chickened out.


Jodi said...

Taylor fully supported the wave idea (which probably isn't good...don't fill his head with ideas). There were lots of new faces,I noticed too. I guess there were a few men on business from Salt Lake, and then some other mystery guests.

Peggy in AZ said...

Wish I could have been there.

Becky said...

Wish I could have heard it. That's AWESOME that you had a blog stalker come. :)

Melanie said...

I wish I'd been there to hear it... although I may qualify as a stalker. :)

Unknown said...

Betsy. Did you not READ? There were no confirmed sightings of blog stalkers. But they would have totally joined in the wave had they come.

Courtney said...

Glad it went well. Wish I could have been there instead of giving my own little talk.

Janae said...

I am glad it went well. I would love to hear it!