Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Got gas?!

Last night I was walking down Mass. Ave. with my walking buddy and I saw this sign.  I stopped this morning to take a picture.  

My mom, Robert, John and I were planning a road trip around America for the summer of '73.  Robert and John were mapping it out so we could visit all the baseball stadiums.  It was going to be a great adventure!  And then the gas crisis hit.  In California, if the last number of your license plate was even, you could buy gas on an even numbered day and if it was an odd number, you could buy gas on an odd numbered day.  My mom felt like it was too risky to take three kids on a trip when there was a possibility of being stranded somewhere unable to buy gas.  So we never took the trip.

I hope everyone is getting all the gas they need!


Smilin' sunshine said...

Interesting...why do you think they don't have gas?

LL said...

I just paid for $75 worth of gas. I should be ALL SET for a few days

Unknown said...

I just sat this afternoon in a gas LINE! (What is up?) I paid $1.51/gallon. I remember the gas crisis... I also remember taking a cross country trip as a family that summer, and my dad grumbling audibly at every gas station we stopped at.

C.A. from GA. said...

go to Taco Bell, you'll get GAS!!
\/ C.A.
world verification: repoo