Monday, October 19, 2009

Whip It

Friday night I went to see Whip It. I really liked it. Can you imagine the outfit I could make if I carved up my old Girl Scout uniform?

I have a roller derby story (of course -- I'm like a non-stop talking 80 year old woman with all my stories). When I was about 10-11 I watched roller derby (the L.A. Thunderbirds) with my brother John. It was on TV Sunday nights and we were hooked! I wrote the team members names on 3x5 cards and kept them in a little file box. I know. Weird. My mom took John and I to see the T-Birds (are they games or matches or what?!). There we were at the run down Olympic Auditorium (it was built for the 1932 Olympics) in one of the worst parts of Los Angeles; Nan and her two roller-derby-loving redheaded kids. I'm sure we were a sight.


Wendster said...

Wow. What fun it was to catch up on your blog. Each summer I went to work in Yellowstone Park my sister would make me a huge ziploc baggie full of her wonderful granola. Mmmmmmmmm. Brought back memories.

How is Phoebe doing?

And how nice to have an organized temple night ... and how easy to get to with it being directly up the hill from the ward building.

I loved the pictures of Maine. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

You guys and your scary 70's tv..You were the ones to hook us up with 'Ernest Angely's Hour of Power" ..healing day was the BEST...good times..except for the unfortunate hamster incident with our older brothers...

Becky said...

You are funny! Could you PLEASE dig up your old uniform and use your mad sewing skillz to come up with something really good? Thanks! ;)

Anita said...

I hate to correct Julie, but...I think in incident in question involved Jumpy the mouse, not a hamster. Sunday nights with the Pattons, Roller Derby and Ernest! That was a triple threat!!!

Unknown said...

I remember roller derby!
I think you should host a theme night. Roller derby, GS outfits and thin mints.
LOVE your girl scout picture!

LL said...

i love you EP! you make me LAUGH!!!

amydear said...

Yep, you have a story for everything! This movie looks like lots of fun. I hope I can see it too. And I loved your photos from Maine, but was too jealous to comment on them!

Sweetpea said...

Awesome! I have a couple of friends who are on roller derby teams. They are brave!

Diane said...

Merritt remembers the la thunderbirds but he didn't keep a file with their names....I can just see you going to the match with your brother. Great story!

Alb said...

Storytelling is in your blood. I know an 80 year old woman who is related to you and tells great stories too.