Thursday, August 30, 2007

Who won the hat?

The Raymonds said...

Scott and I used to live two streets from Fenway Park. I always had to leave work early on home games because otherwise I couldn't get any parking. The gas stations around there even sell their tiny lots as parking. They make more money with parking than they do pumping gas! Our friend's car got flipped after one of the World Series games. Ah, fond memories.

The Raymonds live close by so I'll hand deliver the hat. Congratulations!

I really enjoyed reading all your Red Sox stories. What a treat; thanks!


Wendster said...

CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!! Flipped the car? Sounds like the Staples Center Riots here in LA!

Emily said...

Oh yes, flipped. They had one of those ridiculously tiny cars - a Geo Prism maybe? - that was pretty much asking to be flipped. I almost wish our old car would have gotten flipped so it would have retired in style. Instead, we sold our '87 Subaru DL for a hundred bucks to some high schooler in New Hampshire. I think the Fenway resident parking sticker was worth more than that.

Swoopref said...

Excellent choice!

Unknown said...

congrats raymonds!