Saturday, January 23, 2010

Keep it on ice

Last night I got home at 8:30pm and ran inside to change so I could pick my friend up for a movie. When I got back in my car (Bluebell) and tried to back up I couldn't. I was stuck on the ice! [It kinda reminded me of my recent adventure in Vermont.] I called my friend and asked if she'd be willing to pick me up (what friend wouldn't?) and we went to the movie (and Sonic, just for the record).

This afternoon, at the suggestion of a condo board member, I used some of the ice melt pellets (my condo fee at work) and scattered them around all of my tires and on the fourth try I was able to back up and carry on with life. and downs and twists and turns and ice...that's life.


Becky said...

I'm glad you made it to the movies. I was just thinking the other day...we should meet for lunch again. That was fun. :)

Taylor said...

gee Ellen, if you had snow tires, you wouldn't have had a problem ;)