Monday, December 28, 2009

Holiday Aunt Camp adventures

Where was I? So my car was stuck on the road to the house. There wasn't really anything we could do about it last night so we brought all our things in, ate, and watched 5 movies (or was it 4?). [I slept through part of each movie.] This morning I heard a noise. A vehicle? I looked out the window to see a truck sanding the road to the house. I ran downstairs, quickly threw on some boots, and went outside to talk to the driver. I said, "that is my car stuck on the road" (though I'm sure it was obvious). I asked if he had any suggestions and he said he needed to get more sand and he'd be back. In the meantime I called AAA to see what my options were (pretty good as long as they could access the road). Not too much time went by and I heard the truck again. The guy brought his grandpa back and to make a long story short, they put a chain on my car and pulled it out of the snow. They were in the process of sanding the road and I was able to drive my car up to the house. It was snowing so we quickly packed our things and headed home. I drove slowly but we made it back safely. We even stopped at two cool antique shops on the way. It was a memorable adventure to Vermont!


Unknown said...

Thank goodness for that Vermont neighborly spirit!
Welcome Home.
When does Aunt Camp end?

Rick Egan said...

Nice shots in the snow!