My mother's maiden name is Pitchforth. Two of my brothers have Pitchforth as their middle name (Robert and John). It's (obviously) not a very common name.
A few years after I moved to Boston, I was driving down some random road in Arundel, Maine and as I drove by a mailbox noticed it said PITCHFORTH on it! Are you kidding me?!? No way! I stopped the car and took a photo of the mailbox and sent it to Grandmother Pitchforth who was still living (I need to find the negative to that photo). My brother Robert/Robes visited within a year of that and we went to Maine and we found that mailbox. Robes was more daring than I and decided we should drive down the road to meet the Pitchforths. So we did. Barry Pitchforth was taking a nap on a picnic table but got up and had a short visit with us. I thought he resembled Grandpa Pitchforth (my mom's father). Barry called his parents that day and told them that we had stopped by and he told them that Robes reminded him of his side of the family (which is funny because Robes and my dad look
a lot alike).
A year or so after my friend Brian married Jenifer he called me one night and asked if I was related to Ann Hughlings Pitchforth. Of course I was and asked him why. Turns out his wife Jenifer is related to her too. Now we call each other
Last night I went to dinner and a movie with my friends Alicia, Leah, Jenn, Alicia's brother Micah and his wife Morgan. [You know where this is going...] I asked Morgan where she was from and she said Minersville (that's in Utah) and I told her I had family that lived there--the Pitchforths. She got a funny look on her face and said she was related to some Pitchforths. Minersville is tiny (from trusty Wikipedia:
Minersville is a town in Beaver County, Utah. The population was 817 at the 2000 census).
Told ya.Morgan's great-grandfather and my Grandpa Pitchforth were brothers. It's a small world after all. It's a small, small world.