Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The three C's

In alphabetical order they are: camera, car, computer

And they are all in need of repair.

I wasn't sure I wanted to dump more money into my Canon 10D (it cost me $239 to repair the automatic focus in January) but decided to spend the $148 to fix a spring (that makes the automatic focus not work). I'm not ready to buy a new DSLR. It's in the shop so I feel a bit stranded without a digital camera (I loaned my niece my small digital camera for her Europe trip and it should arrive any day now). I wanted to take a photo of the sign at the restaurant I ate at last night with friends. [Shrimp tacos. Yum!] I need my camera with me. At. all. times.

The tailpipe on my car sounds very LOUD. Is it about to fall off? Can I blame the streets of Boston? The last time I took my car in I had a list of 6 things for them to look at/repair. There is water leaking into the passenger seat. They told me "there are cars newer than yours that have that problem". I don't doubt it. This time I'll have to be clear and say "FIX IT!"

And, last-but-not-least, my computer turns itself off now and then and when I reboot it I see this extremely disturbing message: Alert! Previous shutdown due to thermal event. I'm trying to organize things on my computer so it's all backed up, just in case that thermal event means death to my Dell.


Diana said...

Ruh-roh, Rorge. You are having PROBLEMS, sister!

Unknown said...

I have a list like that too. That means I am driving around with No AC and reminding myself that we will only have summer for 3 more weeks!

Unknown said...

The three Cs are going to need some serious $$$s. (bummer)

Becky said...

bad things DO come in 3'. sorry. :(

Swoopref said...

Thermal Event = Engine 4 responding

Sachiko said...

Oh, no... those are important C's! I don't think I can drop any of them. There is always something that needs repairing or buying isn't there? I guess that is part of life.

Hannah said...

oh, gosh! that is quite the list! i am so sorry!

Wayne said...

OK, the next webpage I looked at after reading this post was here: http://thereifixedit.com/2009/08/11/epic-kludge-photo-and-i-thought-my-fan-was-loud/

That would probably fix the thermal event.

Jane D. said...

Your computer symptoms sound like one of the trojans now circulating. Sure you have a "thermal event"?