One of my little friends Kylie (age 10) gave an amazing talk (that she wrote herself) on reverence in Sacrament Meeting today. She was confident and inspiring. Here is her talk and a picture of her that I took after church today.
Hello my name is Kylie and I have been asked to talk to you about reverence, especially in the chapel. A lot of people think reverence is just sitting still and being quiet. But reverence is more than that. Reverence is respect to the Lord and his house. Cleaning up your programs and other trash after Sacrament Meeting is one way you can show reverence. And not bringing food into the chapel. Quiet activities like coloring are OK for children to do if they still listen. You also have to mean it when you are reverent, not just do it so people think you are. Reverence is also love. In Matthew 19 verse 13-15 when the children come to Jesus and the disciples tell them to go away, Jesus says “suffer the children to come until me”. The children come to Jesus in that scripture because they love and respect him. We should all love and respect Jesus and his house the same way those little children did. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Our family loves Kylie! What a great talk.
I was just looking over some old pictures when I taught Kylie's class. I think she was 6 then. It's fun to see how she's grown.
I am sorry I missed Kylie's talk today.
Thanks for posting it.
I'm not supposed to bring food into the chapel?
I'll bet I'm not supposed to bring in a noisy squalling child either ... especially one who shouts, as the sacrament bread is brought to his seat: "I DON'T WANT JESUS BREAD! NO JESUS BREAD NO JESUS BREAD!" Visual: Tristan sliding from my grasp to thrash about and continue screaming on the floor.
We are NOT a reverent family.
Oh Kylie is so great! Thanks for posting this talk, ellen. I was so late for church and I heard she was awesome!
It doesn't surprise me that a Romano child is so sharp- kudos to her parents!!
What an inspiring talk. I'm not surprised she wrote it herself. Those Romano's are always on top of things!
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