Tonight I went to eat (at Bill&Bob's) with two friends and when we got to my first friend's house we sat in the car chatting, like gals do. The next thing you know there is a cop getting out of his car and running my license plate. I knew my registration wasn't expired so I couldn't figure out what he was doing. I rolled down my window and said, "Is there a problem?" He said, "Some people have been driving around this parking lot and they have the same numbers as you do on their license plate." It was so weird. The next thing you know the cop says to me, rudely, "Did you hear what I said? Do you speak English?" I told him that I heard what he said. I guess he realized I wasn't who he was looking for so he walked around his "cruiser" and got in. Then two other cop cars showed up and were driving around the parking lot. It was bizarre.
"To protect and serve."
Yes, that was bizarre! But Wayne and I were cracking up.
i always knew you had a WILD side, cruising parking lots with your girlfriends...we know your type.
so, DO you speaka engRish?
I mean didn't you ask "Is there a problem?" in english?? Then why didn't he think you understood him? Go figure? Watch the news and see who they finally arest.
Wooooo-burn! Creepy.
Yeah, well, some officers have been stopping cars in this parking lot and they have the same numbers on their badges as you.
It's always an adventure at the Bradford Arm's!!!
Just another story to add to my collection of "Why I hate living here"
They asked "do you speak English?" in Ferris Buellers Day off
...when they park the car at the garage. The guys reply: "What country do you think this is?"
2nd try
Very few of your friends will get that one. :o) carla
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