One Thanksgiving holiday my mom took two of us ("the reds") to Sacramento to visit her cousin and our SLC grandparents who were visiting her, and my dad stayed home with the other two kids. I remember getting a phone call on Thanksgiving day while at Cousin Isabelle's house and it was my dad and brothers calling from DISNEYLAND! They went to Disneyland without us--on Thanksgiving Day! And, they said it wasn't even crowded! So for years after that, it was our Thanksgiving tradition. I think our friends the Eccles went with us a few times. This picture was taken one Thanksgiving as a possible Christmas card photo. (One smile out of four isn't bad.)

My parents would give us money for lunch and point us in the direction of the stand that sold hot dogs and hamburgers and they would eat (a nice turkey dinner) somewhere else and we'd meet up after. It didn't take us long to realize we should ask to eat with them and then we all enjoyed a traditional Thanksgiving meal!
I have fun memories of Thanksgiving at an un-crowded Disneyland!
[This post was previously posted on 11/21/07.]

My parents would give us money for lunch and point us in the direction of the stand that sold hot dogs and hamburgers and they would eat (a nice turkey dinner) somewhere else and we'd meet up after. It didn't take us long to realize we should ask to eat with them and then we all enjoyed a traditional Thanksgiving meal!
I have fun memories of Thanksgiving at an un-crowded Disneyland!
[This post was previously posted on 11/21/07.]
Wow! That's a cool tradition. How many years did you end up going? Lucky Red! :)
My whole family is going to Disneyland this year for Thanksgiving. Of course, we're left out being the east-coasters we now are.
For some reason, Thanksgiving seems amazingly uncrowded at Disneyland. I really wonder why.
i can't believe they went w/o you the first time, but what a great tradition it ended up being! at my dad's second wedding, he asked my brother and i to move his RV so more people could park. A & J & I came back and he was married - they started the wedding w/o us... thank goodness that's not a tradition, haha! :) leah
Have they added a few inches to Mickey Mouse since that trip?
ok. this is giving me HIGE amounts of GUILT!
We had a trip planned to Disney world. (we should be there as I speak) and I pulled the plug, thinking it would be way too crowded.
Great, I'm LAME.
I'm going to keep telling myself that it would have been way TOO crowded :)
Justin and I were at Disneyland for Thanksgiving 2 years ago. We went for our Honeymoon and it was really fun. The turkey dinner was really yummy. Maybe we should start making that our tradition.
Ellen, we just got home from Disneyland! We spend Thanksgiving there too and it really wasn't too crowded...we walked on most rides! We even had the gigantic Turkey leg in behalf. A most enjoyable day for us!!! Sounds like you enjoyed it too growing up -- a good tradition
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