Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Worry doll

My coworker went to Belize and brought me a "worry doll". If you are worried about something you put the doll under your pillow when you go to sleep and the doll worries about your worries. Who doesn't need a redheaded worry doll?!


rebecca said...

Your worry doll is a lot sweeter than the dammit doll I remember my mom taking her worries out on :) A woman in NH makes them and sells them on ebay. I think I may make and send some to my sisters for old times' sake.

Unknown said...

A worry doll? Can I borrow that!?!


Amy D said...
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Amy D said...

Hi Ellen! I love worry dolls! I got some in high school. It's fun to read your awesome blog. I just made one for our family and am getting acquainted with the blogging world. Mandy hooked me up with your site. So fun! Hope you're doing well!