Friday, November 09, 2007

Diaper fire

I hosted a baby shower at my place tonight. I'm not usually big on shower games but I hadn't played this one so my friend and I thought it would be fun. You melt chocolate bars in diapers and then the party-goers have to guess what kind of candy bar it is. So everyone has their nose in a diaper and the poo look gross (no surprise). In preparing for the game I put a Halloween-size candy bar in diaper #1 and put it in the microwave. It started to smell really bad. Not like a dirty diaper but like melted rubber or something. I took the diaper out and sure enough there were ashes on the bottom of it. I immediately turned the fan over the stove on and melted the rest of the candy bars 8 seconds at a time. The game was a hit.


Swoopref said...

Engine 4 ...responding

jksfam said...

So funny swoopref!!!!!

Kristin said...

Ellen you are to funny!