Friday, July 13, 2007


A friend dropped by to return a book last night and I showed her my swollen ankle (from my July 3rd fall). She asked if I knew about the RICE method. It stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation: The RICE method often helps with many types of joint and muscle injuries. The method will ease pain and help speed recovery. The RICE method is very helpful if you use it right away after an injury.

Forget the Rest part of the method; I'm not good at resting. I have been icing my ankle at night with bags of frozen peas (they are nice and mushy in the morning). I've never owned an elastic bandage but will buy one tonight. And, I'm elevating my leg even as I type. Two out of four ain't bad.

Maybe tonight while I'm Resting, Icing, Compressing and Elevating I will eat rice cakes, rice-a-roni, or rice pudding.


Leslie said...

Have you had an x-ray? Q turn his foot in Central Park the last Saturday we were there. He had it x-rayed on Monday at my Dad's urging. It was broken. So it's been in a boot for three weeks. One more week to go.

ellen said...

I figure if I can walk it ain't broken. At least it better not be.

African Kelli said...

Mmm... I love me some rice pudding. Have you tried alternating heat and ice?

Kristin said...

I hope that you feel better soon! You can't have a swollen ankle slowing you down :)

Leslie said...

After his fall, Q continued to walk thru CP, went rowing on the lake, walked to Carnegie Deli and back (we hired the carriage for our final minutes in Central Park for Jennifer). We walked to the subway and rode it uptown, walked home. Then a couple hours later, walked to a restaurant for dinner and back. Sunday he made several trips downstairs with everyone's luggage, lugged it around the airport & after arriving home 15 hours later, drove home & lugged it inside. He had rehersal all day Monday — then had the x-ray. My point? Have an x-ray! Walkingn means nothing.

Wendster said...

Hmm. ... this is timely advice. My arm is swollen and painful ... but I can USE IT. ha. Car accident last Monday. ouchy. Get better Ellen. We can't have our designated photographer of the East Coast out of commission.