Sunday, July 22, 2007

Queen Elizabeth

When the Windsors lived in Lexington I visited them a lot. I watched their kids many times and we went on a few trips together (my favorite was to the red cottage in Maine). Their daughter Elizabeth was born here -- in Concord on Patriots Day! I call her Queen Elizabeth and she's one of my all-time favorite little friends. When she was a baby if she made a peep I'd ask if I could get her out of her crib and they always let me! She's very good natured and fun to be around (and she's a nightowl just like me). She sat by me today at church (just like the good old days) and snuggled up next to me at our friend's house after dinner tonight. I love Queen Elizabeth!

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

Wow, when I saw the picture I thought it was Zoe. That's a pretty strong cousin resemblance!