Friday, July 27, 2007

My bags aren't packed...

...but I'm ready to go. My friends Mary Ellen and Elizabeth (Walton code names) arrive this afternoon from L.A. and then guess where we're going this weekend???


Unknown said...

I love when friends come to visit!

Have fun!

Wendster said...

Yeahhh! Whenever YOU go somewhere fun that means WE get to go somewhere fun through the pictures!!! I love Maine! I hope you post a hundred pictures. Short sand beach, The taffy shop (Goldenrods), LL Bean, and my favorite of all: THE MANGY MOOSE! If you happen to pick up their business card, I would love their phone number. Of course, Light house photos are always welcome!!! If you see a moose, I'll be so jealous I could spit. At least I have my memories of the moose (plural) that used to hang out in the field behind our dorm in Yellowstone, where I worked for two summers. So close you could nearly touch them. HAVE FUN.

Ready, Mind, Go! said...

Hope you have fun in Maine!