Thursday, July 05, 2007

Boston Pops/Fireworks

As usual it was a great night even though it rained. Everyone enjoyed the Boston Pops concert and we were right on the Charles River and had a great view for the fireworks.

I'm convinced Boston is the best city to be in on the 4th of July.


Wendster said...

Looks like everyone had a great time. When you say "rain" do you mean, like, pouring rain? Or like a mist of rain? You guys get rain all year round, huh?
I think that's cool. The song about it never raining in California is very close to true, as you well know since you used to live here.

Anonymous said...

yet another cool photo, Ellen. were you dripping wet? (i was indoors.)

Sarah said...

I love fireworks and it looks like you had a great show!

Unknown said...

I agree...Boston on the 4th is the best!

Angela said...

no doubt about it!