My coworker Diana said recently that she had never been to Maine so I told her I'd take her on the "Ellen Patton Tour of Maine". Today was the day! The weather was perfect and the only drawback was a little bit of nearing-the-tollbooth-traffic. This was our day:
--Shopped at L.L. Bean in Freeport (we were there almost 1.5 hours)
--Ate lobster rolls at Day's in Freeport (yum!)
--Visited the Bush compound in Kennebunkport
--Enjoyed blueberry pie at the Maine Diner in Wells
--A quick stop to do some antiquing in Ogunquit
--Bought taffy at Goldenrod in York Beach (and watched it being made in the window)
--Saw Nubble Light (lighthouse)
--Stopped at a farm stand to buy blueberries but the blueberries were from New Jersey (what?!?) so I bought cherries instead and Diana bought a peach and a tomato
--Shopped at the Crate & Barrel Outlet and Eddie Bauer Outlet in Kittery
and...we ended the day with dinner at Chick-Fil-A in the Burlington Mall!
P.S. We didn't see a moose. That was on our list too!