Thursday, July 17, 2008


Maybe I'm shallow for reading TV Guide magazine (I thumbed through it yesterday while at an appointment)...but I'm definitely not as shallow as Miley Cyrus who said "I feel empowered when I see my face on a t-shirt."


Blackeyedsue said...

You know how people say they were "Guffawed"...well, that is the noise I just made.

Her parents should be so proud. Oh wait, the gene pool is the same depth all the way across.

Wow. Just wow.

Natalie said...

And to think that people thought she has to be better than Britney Spears. I guess that was too much to hope for. I wonder if she'll feel the same way when it is on a mug shot.

Frozen Cacti said...

I like reading the TV guide. It makes me feel a little more normal.

Diana said...

I feel empowered when I blog.

B Flat Major said...

I feel empowered when I want another cookie and I don't eat it.

Unknown said...

Um....who doesn't feel empowered when they see their face on a t-shirt?? I know I always do.

J/K! I read that a few days ago on a celebrity gossip blog. (Much worse then a TV Guide!) I just had to roll my eyes. That is a lifestyle I would never want for myself or my kids. Just wait until she gets spit out of that industry in a few years. It isn't pretty.

Anonymous said...

Glamour's my trash. I'm not sure it's better than TV Guide, but at least I know what lipstick to wear. PTL.

Leah said...

I heard on the radio the other day that she wants to do a "younger version" of Sex and the City, for teenagers... Can she be voted off the air?