The missionaries were on their way to do some service and I was on my way to work. We had a nice visit (where have you served, how long have you been in Boston, etc.) until I hopped off the train and headed to work. I didn't get far before I realized that I should have taken a picture of his missionary tag. Darn!
Fast forward to tonight. I was walking to my car which was parked on my friend's street near the subway station. I looked ahead of me and there were two missionaries walking towards me. I was hoping it was Elder PattEn (he lives in that neighborhood) and it was! I got my camera out, greeted him and asked if I could take a picture of his tag ---for my blog!
No way!!! I never see the same two missionaries twice around here. You were one lucky girl!
i think he served in the belmont ward for a while.
Well, how cool is that? Only you could have such a neat experience. Twice.
I'm not quite clear. That was your nephew you saw, yes?
But he didn't hop up and down and say: "oh my gosh!!! It's my aunt Ellen!!!"
Or was it just another elder with a similar name?
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