Sunday, February 18, 2007

Plug your ears!

Match A/B/C with 1/2/3:

1. Loud
2. Louder
3. Loudest

A. The alarm in my condo building went off this morning at 7:00am. People standing outside in their pajamas, fire trucks...
B. There were noises later this morning that sounded like pictures were falling off my wall but I think it was icicles falling off the roof outside my window.
C. There are 127 children in my ward under the age of 11.

My guess is:


Elisabeth said...

With my kids around, church is definitely loudest! My house is even louder though!
I always feel bad for the last speaker, by then the din is pretty bad,

Queen Elizabeth said...

How many of those kids are under age 3? Half? Yikes...