Saturday, February 10, 2007

Have your cake in a cake carrier and eat it too!

This morning I drove to Newburyport to visit an old co-worker and her new baby. Of course I took my camera along to take pictures of the baby. It was fun to visit with her, meet the baby, and see their amazingly cool hundred year old home. My friend suggested that we take a quick trip to Oldies since I love antiquing. The place was a huge barn--with NO heat I must add--but they had lots of neat stuff organized by type which made browsing much easier. This white enamel cake carrier with red trim caught my eye. We looked through the entire place and then I went back to ogle at the cake carrier and my friend offered to buy it for me as a thank you for visiting and taking pictures. Wow! What a nice gift!! I've already run it through the dishwasher and put it in its new place on the table as my centerpiece!

P.S. Oh yeah. The's a picture of the baby.


Anonymous said...

The cake carrier is "special" I have lived over 65 years and have not seen one like it in the midwest. The baby is sweet. Talking about sweet. I baked those brownies and because I like icing I put peanut butter chips on it for topping. Too sweet.

Anonymous said...

I like the cake carrier, but what interests me is the set of mixing bowls just to the right. My mom had those when I was growing up. The big yellow one she always put tapioca pudding in and the smallest blue one was Gretel's water bowl.

African Kelli said...

You lucky, lucky lady! I just love that. What a find!

ellen said...

Those nifty pyrex bowls have a story of their own. And they weren't Sam's water bowls!

Stay tuned.

SoniaHamel said...

Hey Ellen!
Is that Jane's Baby? I love your cake carrier - it is sooo perfect for you! I see you are well and that makes me happy.
Keep on blogging!

ellen said...

Yep, Jane's baby Benjamin. He's very sweet!

Elisabeth said...

I meant to tell you the other day, I Love that cake carrier. I need to go antiquing with you sometime, you always find the best stuff!