Tuesday, March 03, 2009

It's electric

Two months ago I opened my electric bill and saw $210.60. Yikes. I ran some red cardstock through my printer with that amount on it and taped it to my front door as a reminder to turn the heat down when I left.

One month ago I opened my electric bill and saw $249.13. YIKES!!! How did that happen? I turned the heat down, paid the bill and complained to whoever would listen to me.

Tonight I opened my electric bill and saw $158.33 and I'm dancing the Electric Slide!


Unknown said...

woot woot!
Love the savin-o-the-green.

gigi said...

This happens to us in the summertime. Just the pits!

African Kelli said...

wowie. Those are like my ac bills in the summer! Good work on the savings.

Rae said...

Ah yes! There is an end in sight!!!!!

Elisabeth said...

A little suggestion:
can you post the new recipes you're trying? Esp the good ones. Maybe you've already done that, I can't remember but if not, I'd love your recipes and a rating of them!

Elisabeth said...

Now you can spend more money on fabric! (that's the way I reason:)

Elisabeth said...

I didn't remember that I had already left a comment on this post.