Same story--different year. I was outside today walking at lunchtime (counting the minutes for GetFit@MIT) and took this picture of a very brown tree. I'm sure in a month (or 5 weeks...OK, maybe 6) it will be green and Spring-Y and warm(er) and beautiful and maybe we all will have forgotten how long the winter was this year.
I hope so. I'm ready to forget how long this winter has been.
I'm wishing warmness your way.
How about some pics of the people in Nashua?
Out here you know you are in Sequoia (or whatever the name of the city by Sequoia is ... rats! Forgot.) when you can get live bait at a Walmart.
Do you think we will really forget? We still have a lot of down trees here from the ice storm, because there has been too much winter to get rid of them. Crazy!
This girl won't forget!
Didn't you know? Brown is in. My yard is very fashionable.
I really hope so because I've had enough!!
I miss Boston so much... but I have to say, it is 73 degrees today and I feel great. (not to rub it in or anything!) :)
doll it's hard for me to relate. it was 70 degrees and sunny here today. don't you miss cal?! :)
Yes, it will be quite a change (and a beautiful one) when those blossoms come out. We have a few crocuses poking up in our front yard, so I know that spring is on its way. Hooray!
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