Monday, September 29, 2008

The STOP sign

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;

When you get to a stop sign, STOP.
Don't just roll through the intersection. And, don't stop and then start going without looking around to see if any cars are nearby.

There are few things I miss about California and one is that people believe in the right of way.

7 comments: said...

They've changed things in CA it's called the California stop sign. Stop signs are now meant to do a caual break and gas check. Slow down on the break and then gun it with the gas. Where I come from those Californians are in too big of a rush to stop at stop signs anymore.

Unknown said...

When I was in court for NOT stopping at a stop sign (in college) the judge asked me if I was observing 'the California rolling stop' in a very sarcastic tone. I always thought after that, that in California, it's not really a stop--just a 'rolling' stop.

jksfam said...

Don't miss that about California because it's NOT true! I don't think it's really true anywhere. Not a lot of "right of way" kindness any more - it's all me, me, me!

Does this mean something happened to you?

Chelsi Ritter said...

amen, ellen! i love it out here, but woah, these drivers are nuts!

LL said...

did you get caught? or are you just reminding the rest of us?

Amy said...

AMEN! You've driven through our crazy 6-way intersection-right? Everyone assumes they just get to go. Argghh!

Queen Elizabeth said...

I am soooo with you! Don't you think it's getting worse? I swerve EVERY time I pass a that is approaching a stop because I just do NOT know if they will do it! UGH! Let's start a movement!!! ;)