Thursday, September 25, 2008

I never iron my clothes

Sometimes if my clothes are wrinkled (I know this is bad) I will just re-wash and dry them instead of ironing them. Bad, bad, bad.

This morning as I was getting ready for work I noticed that the hem on my white cotton blouse was wrinkled and all bunched up and the blouse was longer than the sweater so it was obvious. And then I remembered that conveniently my iron was on my ironing board downstairs (I've left it out since I've been doing some sewing) so I went downstairs and ironed my blouse.

I used the ironing board unlike one of my college roommates who ironed the collar of her blouse-----while she was wearing it-----and burned her neck.

True story.


Our Family said...

I never ever ever iron either. Matt always makes fun on me! I'm glad to see that I am not the only non-ironer. We miss you! Megan

Smilin' sunshine said...

I love to iron! Send your stuff my way, except that it might take me a while. Church clothes are my main priority when it comes to ironing!

Anonymous said...

I used to iron when I knew where my iron was. I know when I unpack my stuff I will find it someday. So grateful for wash 'n wear.

B Flat Major said...

When I'm in a pinch like that in the mornings sometimes I use my curling iron to spot treat wrinkly shirts or collars. I've never burned my neck, but I'm sure I've come close!

Leslie said...

Your washer and dryer are not in your apartment, so it's a pain. Worse if you have to pay besides. But if you wet a hand towel, fold it in half an squeeze so the whole thing is just damp, throw it in the dryer with the wrinkled clothes (and a Bounce if you like) the wrinkles will come out.... THAT was the longest sentence in history. It doesn't fix scrunchy hems. Just general wrinkles.

Darcee said...

I NEVER iron! I'm glad to find a kindred spirit in that respect. I guess it's because I don't really know how to do a good job. It never looks that much better than when I started. And I like your "P" list today. Vacuuming has been on my list for a few days know. Sigh...

Alecia said...

All I have to say is: what was up with that roommate?! Did she not think the iron was hot?

Becky said...

Iron? I'm ANTI-IRON! I too throw my clothes back in the dryer, no guilt there!:O)

Nancy said...

My poor husband puts everything in the dryer to "fluff" because I can't stand ironing..and I stink at it!

Amy D said...

This fall, I made a new goal to finish my ironing every week instead of once a season. I'm jealous you don't iron!

Unknown said...

I confess. I DO iron. I am a little manic (especially on Sunday) about feeling wrinkly. I am NOT an iron-ahead-er. I iron on call, as needed, on the spot. NEVER with an iron at my neck. That's pretty desperate! (I HAVE, however, burned my neck with a curling iron before.)

Janalee said...

I'm so glad wrinkly is in... I remeber in college if you didn't put like a pound of starch on your shirt you could not be caught dead in public!!
And what I love is that ironing is the issue of the day, as if there's nothing more "pressing" to talk about!! :)

Chelsi Ritter said...

so while i was a nanny i was also in charge of the laundry, and while my boss didn't know it, i would often dry the clothes that needed to be ironed over and over again (with a wet towel) until the wrinkles were gone (my intention was to hang them up as soon as they came out of the dryer, but sometimes i just didn't have time!). we're talking up to 5 times in the dryer here. don't tell her!

Karen said...

Just say no to IRONING! I can't remember the last time I ironed!
Thanks Ellen for writing to Elder P.

Camille said...

Iron? What's that? Two words. Flat iron. Do you hair, then get a few wrinkles out of your skirt.

You crack me up.

Rae said...

I have been guilty of rewashing and drying wrinkled clothes as well! Ironing was one of my chores growing up since my mother loathed to iron. If I have time I don't mind but really, who ever has the time? Glad you used your board instead of your body!!

BTW, nice to meet you and no, the fair we went to was not the Big E. Our town fair is way smaller in comparison but still lots of fun!!