I just got back from getting some groceries. I sometimes buy People Magazine when I'm out-and-about, especially if the cover interests me. So I looked over at the magazine rack while my groceries were being rung up and the cover story was "Inside the [FLDS] cult". I grabbed a copy and tossed it on the belt with the rest of my groceries. The woman bagging my groceries was older and may have had some special needs. She looked at my magazine, looked at me, and said loudly and in the thickest Boston accent you've ever heard, "They're weird."
I think I have bought PEOPLE once before, but I bought this one and have yet to have read it. I just haven't seen the news on all this, and really I forget to try to catch up on it.
It's been all over the news out here. Has it been there, too?
I was glad that my chiropractor, who mentioned it because he knows I am LDS, knew that it was not the LDS church who was involved, but the Reorganized church.
I wonder why some people hold to polygamy so strongly?
It's not the RLDS church either (now known as the Church of Christ)... the FLDS are a bunch of my cousins....descended from my great-grandfather's uncle. Ugh. Makes me ill. I agree with the cashier. It's been #1 news here for weeks. My maiden name is all over the news. Ugh again. That's one good thing about taking yoru husband's name. I don't know how they will ever sort it out. Poor kids — some of which have kids.
frankly, I'm more interested in Ashlee Simpson being pregnant.
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