I know John Deere makes tractors but I didn't know you could buy John Deere fabric until I was on vacation recently in the wild, wild west. This is a re-cap of a conversation I had in Wal*Mart as the young woman was cutting some pink and white striped John Deere fabric I bought to make something for a friend in Boston (who incidentally
loves John Deere--and cowboys).
Me: I don't get it -- why all the John Deere fabric (there was quite a selection)?
Sales lady: Oh, people just
love John Deere. My sister-in-law
loves John Deere. Well, she's not really my sister-in-law but she's been with my brother for five years. She says she wants to ride down the aisle at her wedding on a John Deere tractor.
Tonight I made this drawstring bag and two napkins for my dear friend who
loves John Deere.