Thursday, March 06, 2008

Speaking of my freshman year

Here we are; the ladies of Lucy Mack Smith Hall! I still keep in touch with a few of these gals. I had great roommates that year. We each chipped in $7 a week and we ate dinner together every night (lots of casseroles and jell-O). I recently found out that little Ben--the son of the head residents--lives in Boston! We were all invited to his first birthday party the weekend we moved in the dorm!


Leslie said...

Oh my gosh. I hope they have redecorated that dorm. I didn't realize how orange it was. Ugh.

Chelsi Ritter said...

when i was at ricks college my roommates and i ate together every sunday night, each having a different assignment. i had a roommate from arkansas, and boy did i get some tasty dishes from her! i love those memories.

Amy D said...

You're a bunch of beauties!

Anonymous said...

What year was that? Please date this picture. Love the styles.

Renee said...

hey i know where m. smith hall is!! i lived right next door in f. smith. and my head residents are in the arlington ward: sheri, brent, adam and brooke christensen sound familiar?