After work I took the inbound subway instead of the outbound one, ran an errand in the city and took some pictures of green things. Happy St. Patrick's Day from Ellen O'Patton!!
I was born and raised in Van Nuys, California. I moved to Boston sight-unseen and have loved living in New England since that day when I said, "this apartment is OLD". My hobbies are antiquing, reading books and magazines (bring back Blueprint and Domino please), sewing, quilting, sightseeing, watching movies, and photography. I love the color red and have a retro red refrigerator (and kitchen aid mixer and ice cream maker and toaster and...) to prove it! I live in a converted high school and love decorating my loft condo (w/ 18 foot ceilings) that was formerly the auditorium. I have 3 brothers, 11 nieces and nephews, and a bus fleet of friends.
There's just nothing like St. Patrick's Day in Boston. So festive!
And Oliver's sweater!
And back at you from the McRandle Family!
Happy St. Patty's day!
My favorite scripture from Mosiah, and possibly of all BoM, Mosiah 4:19-21
But it looks like nobody went wanting for green tonight in Boston. Lol.
Great idea for a blog post, Ellen!
Great pics, thanks for posting Boston in green! this comment thing working???
I forgot it was St. Patty's Day. I got my post done just in time.
Even though I called Boston "home" for a very short time, I often feel homesick for it. This post made me homesick. I miss that lovely spot of earth!
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