A few years ago my friend Rachel told me about an activity their ward does (in Austin) --
Friendship Week (during the week of Valentine's Day). Valentine's Day was passed when she told me about it so I made up "Spring Friendship Week" for our ward and it was really really fun! You have people sign up and then you give anonymously to a person/family for one week and someone gives to you (so only those who sign up give and receive things). This is the first time I've participated since I felt dumb as the Activities Chair to assign someone to give to ME.
I have some nice secret friends!! Monday night I got a book (I love to read). Tuesday night I got some spices (I love to bake). Tonight I got some stamps (I love to write letters). I wonder what I'll get next...I love to travel, drive fancy cars, and wear fur coats.
Just kidding.I'm so happy to be receiving thoughtful gifts from my secret friends.
P.S. I would be remiss if I didn't mention the "Spring Friendship Week" scavenger hunt two years ago. A package was left on a park bench that had "OPEN BY 'BARTHOLOMEW' FAMILY ONLY" written on it which caused quite the commotion...fire trucks, police cars, yellow tape, streets blocked, bomb squads, articles in newspapers, etc.