Sunday, December 16, 2007

Church in my heart

It wasn't an official church snow day (argh...) but I'm home and having church in my heart (after digging out my car and my neighbor's car). Our parking lot is very icy and I'm sure the roads will be too at 6:30pm. I will keep busy with lots of projects; mainly Christmas packages for my family that must be mailed tomorrow.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!


Amy D said...

Are you on the late schedule (aka "Midnight Mass") again? I totally remember that 3-6 p.m. schedule!!! Crazy.

ellen said...

Get it right. It's 3:30-6:30pm...for 2 more Sundays and then it's high noon.

Amy D said...

Oh, sorry! Thanks for the correction. 3:30 is a lot worse than 3:00! I bet you're not looking forward to the "high noon" schedule at all! The ward that gets the new 3:30 time slot would be happy to trade with you, I'm sure. :)

Melanie said...

I had church in my heart too. Sort of. It was the Church of all things British and naps. What a crazy weather day!!

Unknown said...

We had church in our heart too.


Sweetpea said...

We had church in our hearts at the beginning of the month due to illness. Stuff happens. Our ward is starting the 9 am schedule in the New Year and I clapped for joy when I heard the announcement in Relief Society. Some sisters looked at me like I was insane, but perhaps they don't realize the havoc that 1-4 schedule wreaks on naptime for my 2-year-old. Early morning is nothing compared to psycho-toddler.

Anonymous said...

Sister, I have church in my heart EVERY Sunday.