I have about 400 cards to make this week from my card party sales. I order my cardstock from
Pebbles in My Pocket in Utah because you can't find very many colors in Boston. My order took longer to get here because of Thanksgiving and then I was in New York City. I took the paper to Kinko's to have it cut in half and the guy wanted me to leave it and they were closing in a half hour and he wouldn't do it then. Since I'm hesitant to leave the paper, I left Kinko's and called Staples and they also have a big cutting machine. So, I went there and the woman also wanted me to leave the paper. I explained that it was expensive and didn't want to leave it (plus, I wasn't near my house). She said it would take a half an hour (I figured I'd walk around Staples and the paper store next door while I waited) but then she started getting it ready to cut. She turned around and I looked and the paper had not been cut in half which means half of it was ruined. I was
SO mad! I explained that (A) I bought the paper out-of-state and (B) it was expensive ($118 total). I told her that it

was probably $20 worth of paper that was ruined. What part of "cut it in half" is hard to understand? The woman called a co-worker over and the two of them were measuring and trying to figure out how to cut the paper in half and mumbling about the settings being off on the machine. I grabbed all the paper and put it back in the box and said that I was going to take it elsewhere to get it cut. The guy said they would give me $20 and he went over to the cash register and gave me a $20 bill. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I went back to Kinko's and asked if they could cut the paper. "Mike" wanted me to leave the paper but I explained A and B (from above)
and that the last place had screwed up and so he said he'd cut the paper then. He even fixed the one side of the paper that was cut wrong. I guess I can make book marks out of the other side. When Mike handed me my reciept and change I wanted to climb over the counter and give him a big hug.
I'll be working away in my card factory tonight.
You're always having customer service issues! Why are you always the lucky one?!
I'm pretty sure I would have flipped out and came unglued. How in the wold could they get a simple order wrong...what a shaome...so sorry!
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