Thursday, May 07, 2009

First Period

My current subway reading is My Little Red Book. My mom recently read an article about the book, bought and read the book, and then sent it to me. It is an anthology of stories about first periods, collected from women of all ages from around the world. The website has a link to submit a story. Here's my story: I was thirteen and a half and it was a week before Christmas. I went to the bathroom and you know, realized I had started my period. I called for my mother. I cried. She got me some supplies. I cried some more. I was convinced my Christmas would be totally ruined. It wasn't.

The L.A. City Schools had a filmstrip about maturation, menstruation and you-know-what education and because my mom wasn't pleased with how our elementary school presented the topic (and handled the laughter and snickering) with my older brother's 5th grade class (he was one grade ahead of me) when it was my turn, she went downtown and checked out the filmstrip (who does that?!) and showed it to me. At home. In the kitchen. With the door shut keeping my three brothers away during our mother/daughter teaching moment. I'll never forget my youngest brother Chuck banging on the door yelling, "I know you're in there talking about innertube."


Unknown said...

oh ep, you're so timely!
I checked out your subway reading selection just yesterday, and told Sarah (13) I was going to buy it. Because my story should have been in there!
I was 15, in junior high on the gymnastics team (wearing leotard), practicing kips on the uneven parallel bars when my coach came up to me and told me I had better get to the locker room and change. I was devastated!
I love that this girl has compiled all these stories, and Sarah and I both enjoyed the website and conversation with Rachel Ray.

Smilin' sunshine said...

I will have to check this out! Thanks!

allegra said...

that would be an interesting book. probably more comical than anything. you were 13 and a half? wow! i think it's cool how everyone is so different. you were crying when you got yours, i was rejoicing! :) i started at 17 i believe or was it 18?! anyway, i was sooo late and thought something was so wrong with me. lame. but in those days, you just want to be like every other hormonal, emotional menstrual teenager. both dan and i were really late bloomers. or poor kids are going to be little pip squeaks all throughout high school:) lol.

your mom sounds awesome. and your brothers sound even funnier:)

Elisabeth said...

That is so funny!

Becky said...

I was the BIGGEST tomboy, not wanting to have anything with going through puberty - and at 12 1/2, playing soccer with my (all boys) team. I was running down the field with the ball and felt it. I quickly excused myself, telling my coach I needed to use the bathroom and THERE IT WAS...totally unwelcome at the time. I think this book is GREAT! Nobody talks about it and there are actually some funny stories.

Julie said...

forget the first period stuff...the filmstrip in the kitchen is a RIOT!!!!!!!!!!

B Flat Major said...

Leave to Aunt Nancy to check out The Filmstrip and show it in the kitchen. You lucky duck. I have to say, your book sounds intriguing but weird - you know, weird like checking out the school's filmstrip about personal stuff and having a home screening. :-)

I too, received a Christmas visit. You're right. It doesn't ruin the holiday, but it sure made for a lot of hourly over-the-shoulder checks in the mirror to make sure no one could see anyThing. I was SURE everyone could tell.

Jenibelle said...

Thanks for your comment! Nice to meet you. I think the learning lesson for this "well seasoned" Mom is that when I say something, don't go back on it!!!!

Sandman said...

Very funny! Thanks for the laugh.

Unknown said...

"Innertube." Ahahahahahahahaha. :)