I talked to Adrienne today and it sounded like she had a fun 14th birthday. Her Church grandparents are in town and they went out to dinner. She received (and loved) my gift--a pink leather-ish Passport holder which will come in handy when she goes to Europe in a few weeks with a school group. We'll celebrate her birthday in Boston next weekend when she's here for the Ride.
Robes would have turned 50 today. I've been sad for a while about him missing this landmark birthday but today was a good day. I worked, went to the Temple, tried a new recipe, baked chocolate chip cookies (another new recipe), and bought some Red Vines (his faves). What I really wish I could have done was call and harrass him about being old enough to be an AARP member, embarrass him by having balloons delivered to his office by a gorilla (or the Miami Heat mascot), or celebrate with him in Florida. Happy Birthday!

Robes and Adrienne on their birthday in 1997. She was 2 and he was post-surgery, 30 steroid pounds heavier and 38.
Happy 21st anniversary you Bostontonian! So cool that you made that move.
Also, your brother Robes and your niece look so adorable together.
I'm sure you think of him often.
Happy Birthday Robes.
You do such a fine job of remembering him, I feel like I knew him.
I'm sure he approves of the Red Vines--a SWEET birthday tribute.
I think he would appreciate it if you took a trip to Kimball's.
Happy Birthday to them! Even after this many years, the void still feels the same! It is almost 15 years since my brother passed away.
I was going to say the same thing as Jenny. I feel like I know your brother, I love how you honor him. Happy birthday to the two of them...
I put a check in the mail (for Robes birthday gift) You can put it toward to your Ride for Research ;)
Its a good time for a blog giveaway contest!
they and my husband share a birthday. i ♥ 21 May.
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