Five years ago was the Arlington Ward's 20th anniversary and we celebrated with a BIG reunion that included a welcome reception, Temple session, Clambake, Spring Sing, special Sacrament Meeting where all five bishops spoke, a Linger Longer, and FHE at Kimballs. We packed all our favorite traditions into one weekend and it was amazing! If I remember correctly, we had "alumni" return from California, New York, Connecticut, Texas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Michigan, Vermont, and a few other states. It was a fantastic weekend filled with traditions, friends, and fun. I was the Activities Chair and was responsible for much of the festivities. I remember being extremely excited about the weekend and seeing so many friends as I drove to the church to get ready for the welcome reception. There had been a car accident near the underpass at Route 2 and Dow Ave. and the westbound street was blocked off. So I kept driving and went to the next exit to double back and the access road was blocked off. Those were the only two ways to get to the church and we were expecting 150 visitors plus the members of the ward to gather in less than an hour! I stopped and talked to the policewoman standing in the road and explained our dilemma but she couldn't help me. I turned around and made my way through Lexington into Arlington and found a policeman that was back by the overpass and frantically explained to him that we had a big party and there was no access to the church. We strategized together and then he asked me to follow him to talk to another policeman. They said they could clean things up and open up a narrow part of the road so people could get through. Then I said, "I can call our Bishop and have him help with directing traffic." Immediately the policemen said, "OH NO, YOU DO NOT NEED TO CALL THE BISHOP!" I'm guessing they were Catholic and imagined calling this guy.

I laughed and quickly explained that Mormons had a "lay ministry" and that our bishop was "a regular person like you and me." And then I called Bishop Johnston (far right) to help with directing traffic.

Note: These are the first 5 (of 7) bishops of the Arlington Ward (l to r: Bob Chandler, Kip Thompson, Lee LaPierre, Travis Waller, Jim Johnston). Photo taken at Stake Conference in Weston, MA on October 27, 2002.