Saturday, April 18, 2009

17 Again

Worst movie ever and no, I don't ever want to be 17 again.

Note: Yes, that is my senior picture. Yes, I realize that you aren't supposed to get a sunburn the day before your senior picture is taken (hey -- this was before sunscreen really hit the shelves). And, yes maybe Sister Tyerman was right when she screamed one day at church, "Redheads shouldn't wear RED!"


Janika said...

I think you look great here! The red shirt works just fine because it is layered under another color--I don't know what that sister was talking about?!! You are very daring to post your senior photo. I'd definitely have to think twice about that! My hair was sooooo big!

gigi said...

WhatEver! Sister Tyerman should have been scraming at church anyway!!! Great picture anyway you look at it!

allegra said...

i seriously LOVE your hair color. and i like red heads in red. that is a total myth. just like those people that say blondes shouldn't wear yellow. whatever? and brunettes don't look good in black? it's all bogus. although, i must say blonds look best in black. haha.

Alecia Williams said...

QP!! You were QP even then. What a hot mama. I am impressed that you were so brave to post your senior picture. I got your message the other day. Sorry that I missed it!!! Let's catch up SOON!! I'll be thinking of you on Monday.

Swoopref said...

Worse even than, "How Green Was My Valley"?

(Which is one of my favorites although you did not like it.)

Commenters can read up on it here:

The Soulier Family said...

I think you look HOT!

Amy D said...

You haven't aged a bit :)

Unknown said...

Ahhhh, Ellen. This is how I remember you. :)

Sandman said...

Nice Doo-Job! Have you thought of returning to that style? I wouldn't want to be 17 again either, and I'm thankful for your review of the movie ... not that I would have gone ... this months movie money was spent on Monsters vs. Aliens which provided me with a good nap in the middle, but I ENJOYed the beginning and ending.

Queen Elizabeth said...

Was looking at adorable Zac Efron not even worth it? Darnit. But thanks for saving me the time ;)

Wendster said...

Too bad the movie is no good ... the lead looks so cute!

I didn't even notice your sunburn. Not very observant, I guess. lol.

You are beautiful no matter what you wear.