Sunday, November 13, 2011

Betty the snowbird

My 86 year old friend Betty goes west every winter to be with her family. I visited her after church today since she's leaving soon. I love hearing her stories about life. She's amazing. I love her hands. She's raised 6 kids, made thousands of meals, done lots of work and given lots of hugs with those beautiful hands. I'll miss her while she's gone but she'll be back when the weather is warmer.

3 comments: said...

I love Betty. Her and Gus would shop the yard sales every weekend. Then on Sunday in sacrament, she would have a special surprise for Ben. Just before we moved, they brought us their favorite yard sale find, a red fire truck. Gus fixed it up and made new ladders. Even though my kids are grown we still have the fire truck. Every time I see it, I smile and think of Gus and Betty.

amy said...

Betty has got it figured out.
I love how you have so many friends. I'm just glad I'm one of them.

Frozen Cacti said...

I was lucky to be her visiting teacher for a while. Her house always smelled of amazing food cooking in the kitchen. I really missed visiting her while she was gone.