Monday, September 06, 2010

An afternoon in Gloucester

My friends Leah and Alicia and I went to Gloucester and Rockport this afternoon. The weather was perfect. We enjoyed lunch at Charlie's (I got a fish sandwich), seeing a lighthouse or two and the Gloucester Fisherman's Memorial, driving around Rockport (we couldn't find parking so I drove slowly while they ran into the cupcake shop) and enjoying probably our last day trip together since Alicia is moving next week to Utah and then Oklahoma. I love living on the coast and I love my friends.


Swoopref said...

"They that go down to the sea in ships..."

Swoopref said...

(just wanted to post a link to the psalm 107, I do not know anyone from the pages after that...)

Unknown said...

mmmm.... everything about your day looks WONDERFUL.

Alicia said...

It was a perfect day. Don't say it's our last. I'll be back.