Saturday, January 15, 2011

Coats and boots

I've said for years that I was going to write an essay called "Coats in New England". You need so many different kinds of coats here (dress coats, rain coats, ski coats, etc.) compared to my home state of California. Now I'm thinking it should be called "Boots and Coats in New England" because you really do need different kinds of boots here too. I bought these boots at in the kids department at Michelson's Shoes in the kids department (I'm a size 7). I don't wear them that often but they are handy when you have two feet of snow (or remnants of) to walk through.


Laura said...

I'm in support of this essay - you need way more coats and boots than you need in Utah as well. Love your kids' boots. ;-)

Mindy said...

Happy happy birthday! We loved your card and the update!