It might be magical but the roads are a mess. My commute home was nearly doubled. At one point I was traveling 5mph. I went to visit some friends (to drop off a 5x7 of that black & white photo) and I got stuck on the road next to their house and my car kept sliding back and was inches from a tree. My friend got her neighbor and they directed me and pushed my car and I made it up the hill. Then I was sliding down another hill on my way home. I was glad to get home, in my flat parking lot, where I took this photo.
I am glad you made it home safely! Today helped me to realize it's time to get new tires on my SUV. It is supposed to perform great in the snow, but I was sliding all over the place, too.
By the way, I've been meaning to tell you that the the universe seems to be leading me to you. Wow, that sounds weird doesn't it? Your name has been coming up everywhere. I've been in multiple conversations when people have talked about how fantastic you are. Then I was at the temple in a session when I saw you from the distance. Another time I was volunteering in the baptistry when I saw your name tag on a the counter. Then I opened up an old journal and a church program from 2006 fell out. For some reason I had saved it from the summer we lived in Arlington. Your name was on the program as one of the speakers. How weird is that?
Craziness. We don't have any snow AT ALL!
FINALLY! We got SOME... but not even as much as you. I'm glad you're safe.
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