I received this email from my sister-in-law Kim this morning:
Dear Family and Friends,
As we cleaned up a very late dinner tonight, we were interrupted by a
rare phone call from Ian at BYU- Hawaii. We were blown away by his
announcement that he received his mission call in the mail today and
will be serving 2 years as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints in the Argentina, Resistencia Mission. He is to
report to the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah June 27th. We
never had any indication that he was arranging the necessary paper
work, interviews or medical exams. Although Jamel learned of this
while visiting Ian in Hawaii for springbreak, Adrie and I were kept in
utter darkness. He waited 5 five weeks by the mailbox. As you can
tell, I am having trouble sleeping while I absorb the news.
Thank you for all the years of support you've given me to raise my kids.
Hope all is well with you and yours,
Tonight I'm going to (1) locate Resistencia on my atlas and (2) find out how much postage to Argentina is!! I'm a very happy aunt.