Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mimi--my oldest friend

My friend Mimi is visiting from southern California. Our grandmothers were friends and our mothers were friends. So, she's not really my oldest friend but we've probably been friends the longest. I haven't seen her in 15 years (when I was in southern California for my grandmother's funeral)! It will be fun showing her around New England (she's never been here). Poor thing; it's supposed to be 13 degrees in Boston tomorrow. I wouldn't send my worst enemy on the Freedom Trail on a day that cold! We're definitely going to Maine on Saturday to see at least one lighthouse and do some antiquing. A lobster roll could be in our near future!

Here is a picture of us many years ago at a cabin on New Year's Eve. Each of us got to bring a friend and I invited Mimi. I can't explain our weird outfits...hey, we were 13 and ringing in the new year!

I'll have someone take a picture of us this weekend and I'll post that later.


Kal said...

EP dancing with a snake? That's blackmail material for sure...

Swoopref said...

Are you guys clogging in that picture? Have fun in York... at least there will be zero traffic.