I hosted a baby shower tonight for my friend Amber. She is having a girl in a few weeks. She got some adorable clothes and a digital photo shoot (from me). It was really fun. We usually don't play games at baby showers in these parts but I emailed MOF (my on-line friend) Heather last night and she gave me some ideas. Thanks, Heather!
One of the games was to name the animal babies. I'll send 3 of my "baby photocards" to the first person that can name the baby that goes with all 3 of these mothers:
Here are a few pictures from the party.
My guesses are:
Butterfly = Caterpillar
Racoon= Kit
Pigeon = Squab
My answers:
Bufferfly = "Silence of the Lambs" guy in the cellar.
Racoon = Cousin to the Possum.
Pigeon = Flying Rat.
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